Poor cooling system maintenance causes an estimated 40% of all premature engine failures. Coolant filters protect your engine by trapping contaminants and distributing Supplemental Coolant Additives (SCAs) into your cooling system. Use Hastings Premium Filters full line of cooling system maintenance products cooling system cleaner, liquid additives, coolant test kits and filters to keep your engine running at peak performance. All Hastings filters are designed to meet the requirements of the application. Fully meets filtration requirements of the application. Epoxy Coated Canister reduces the possibility of corrosion during extended service intevals. Supplimental Coolant Addititive (SCA) Diffusion Control Orifice meters diffusion of SCA chemical into coolant flow - maintaining proper system balance. Balanced Treatment Additive (BTA PLUS) is a direct replacement for DCA4 and can be used in systems with antifreee levels ranging from 0 to 60% ethylene/propylene glycol solutions. Covered by manufacturer's warranty for peace of mind.