1994 Chevrolet Lumina APV equipped with 3.8L V6 Gas OHV, 3.1L V6 Gas OHV
Seat Frame Nut TO FLR PAN STUD M10X1.5X11)(21.5 OD
1994 Chevrolet Lumina APV equipped with 3.8L V6 Gas OHV, 3.1L V6 Gas OHV
Seat Frame Nut TO FLR PAN STUD M10X1.5X11)(21.5 OD
4 Per Vehicle
1994 Chevrolet Lumina APV equipped with 3.1L V6 Gas OHV
Alternator Adjusting Bracket Nut M10X1.5X11)(21.5 OD FOR BOLT ON TENSR Eng: LG6 8th VIN Digit: D
1994 Chevrolet Lumina APV equipped with 3.1L V6 Gas OHV
Alternator Adjusting Bracket Nut M10X1.5X11)(21.5 OD FOR BOLT ON TENSR Eng: LG6 8th VIN Digit: D
2 Per Vehicle
1994 Chevrolet Lumina APV equipped with 3.8L V6 Gas OHV
HVAC Heater Pipe Retainer M10X1.5X11)(21.5 OD FOR BOLT ON TENSR Eng: L27 8th VIN Digit: L
1994 Chevrolet Lumina APV equipped with 3.8L V6 Gas OHV
HVAC Heater Pipe Retainer M10X1.5X11)(21.5 OD FOR BOLT ON TENSR Eng: L27 8th VIN Digit: L
2 Per Vehicle
1994 Chevrolet Lumina APV equipped with 3.8L V6 Gas OHV, 3.1L V6 Gas OHV
Brake Pedal Bracket Nut M10X1.5X11)(21.5 OD
1994 Chevrolet Lumina APV equipped with 3.8L V6 Gas OHV, 3.1L V6 Gas OHV
Brake Pedal Bracket Nut M10X1.5X11)(21.5 OD